The inhabitants of South America have long known and used the useful qualities of corn in the preparation of traditional dishes. Corn is an indispensable element of any dish, it is used to prepare both main dishes and garnishes to them. They even use corn flour as a base for making the traditional and popular tortillas. These tortillas have long become an independent dish of Latin American cuisine.
To make tortillas, you need to add spices and spices to the dough, and then smear the finished tortillas with butter or vegetable oil and eat with a spicy or cheese sauce.
Latin American cuisine is characterized by the use of masses of spices and spices. One dish must contain no less than 5 types of spices, this is the main rule of cooking traditional Latin American dishes.
There are vegetal notes in the local dishes that give the dishes pleasant aromas such as basil, thyme, mint, sage, and pepper. Pepper is the most favorite ingredient of the chefs; the most famous in Latin American countries is the “jalapeno” pepper. Although not inferior to the primacy of the “chili pepper”, it is actively used in the traditional cuisine of this region. As for varieties of chili, only in Chile there are more than 70 varieties! And all of them are used in cooking.

Tomatoes and potatoes are as commonly used ingredients as spices. Chefs and residents have a great love for legumes, especially red beans, which are as popular as corn.